- Pattern: Abstract superclass of all pattern generators.
- PConstant: Returns a fixed value.
- PRef: Contains a reference to another pattern, which can be replaced dynamically.
- PFunc: Returns the value generated by a function.
- PArrayIndex: Request a specified index from an array.
- PDict: Construct a pattern from a dict of arrays, or an array of dicts.
- PDictKey: Request a specified key from a dictionary.
- PConcatenate: Concatenate the output of multiple sequences.
- PAbs: Absolute value of
- PInt: Integer value of
- PAdd: Add elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA + patternB)
- PSub: Subtract elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA - patternB)
- PMul: Multiply elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA * patternB)
- PDiv: Divide elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA / patternB)
- PFloorDiv: Integer division (shorthand: patternA // patternB)
- PMod: Modulo elements of two patterns (shorthand: patternA % patternB)
- PPow: One pattern to the power of another (shorthand: patternA ** patternB)
- PLShift: Binary left-shift (shorthand: patternA << patternB)
- PRShift: Binary right-shift (shorthand: patternA << patternB)
- PEqual: Return 1 if a == b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA == patternB)
- PNotEqual: Return 1 if a != b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA != patternB)
- PGreaterThan: Return 1 if a > b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA > patternB)
- PGreaterThanOrEqual: Return 1 if a >= b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA >= patternB)
- PLessThan: Return 1 if a < b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA < patternB)
- PLessThanOrEqual: Return 1 if a <= b, 0 otherwise (shorthand: patternA <= patternB)
- PAnd: Return True if a and b, False otherwise (shorthand: patternA & patternB)